Jackie Cooper
[Founding Member]
Jackie K Cooper is a film and book critic whose reviews appear on his personal website www.jackiekcooper.com, as well as rottentomatoes.com and huffingtonpost.com. His reviews also run in an assortment of newspapers in Georgia. He is a featured guest on radio and TV shows across the South. He has his own weekly television show “The Jackie K Cooper Show” which runs on cable channels in middle Georgia. His “Two Minute Entertainment Rundown” appears weekly on YouTube.
Cooper is the author of six books: (1) JOURNEY OF A GENTLE SOUTHERN MAN (2) CHANCES AND CHOICES (3) HALFWAY HOME (4) THE BOOKBINDER (5) THE SUNRISE REMEMBERS (6) BACK TO THE GARDEN. His latest book MEMORY’S MIST was published by Mercer University Press in September 2013.
He is one of the founders of the Southeastern Film Critics Association and is also a member of the Broadcast Film Critics Association and the Broadcast Television Journalists Association. Cooper can be reached at jkershawcooper@aol.com.